Rosalind Boyd, is currently an independent researcher based at McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada which
she has been affiliated since 1968.She was previously Director of McGills Centre for Developing-Area Studies.  Prior to
that, she was the Senior Researcher at CDAS (1988-1996) and Editor of the Publications Program. For over three decades,
she has carried out research activities focusing on social, political and economic problems in countries of Africa, Asia,
Latin America, the Caribbean and the Middle East. She is the founding Editor of the international journal, Labour, Capital
and Society (1979-2004; devoted to critical analyses of development issues and the labouring poor in
the Third World. She has also edited over two dozen books dealing with socio-economic and political problems, most
recently Struggles in the Americas: The Emergence of a New Civil Society (2003) co-edited with S.J. Noumoff; Social
Sciences and Transdisciplinarity: Latin American and Canadian Experiences (1999) co-edited with Alberto Florez-Malagon
and the seminal work International Labour and the Third World: The Making of a New Working Class co-edited with Robin
Cohen and Peter C.W. Gutkind (1987).

Dr Boyd's research interests include gender and democratic development, focusing on the inclusion of women in the transition
from oppositional struggle to management and/or transformation of the state, with recent research in Uganda, Rwanda,
El Salvador, Indonesia and South Africa. Her other research activities cover critical studies of economic globalization, human
security, women workers, child labour, informal sector, refugees, environmental management, labour migration, human rights,
knowledge systems and resistance literature.

Dr Boyd was also the Director/Principal Investigator of the innovative research program "Gender and Human Security Issues"
previously based at the CDAS in cooperation with the Women's Centre of Montreal and several other organizations, funded by
the Social Sciences and Humanities Council of Canada (SSHRC) under their program of Community-University Research Alliance
(CURA). This research-action program (2000-2005) built on her earlier work with women in conflict situations in Uganda, Sri Lanka
and El Salvador and involved a team of researchers from universities and communities in an alliance locally and globally in order
to examine different issues related to women and armed conflict, the aftermath of war for societies, human rights, peacebuilding,
political reconciliation and trauma.